The Officebooking ESCA Omni sensor measures occupancy of your desks and (meeting) rooms. The battery powered wireless sensor is mounted either under a desk or on the ceiling of a room. By using the sensor in combination with the Officebooking app your users are able to individually check-in on a reservation.
ESCA Omni sensors use passive infrared technology (PIR) to detect occupancy status. Our proprietary SMART PIR technology uses AI technology to minimise false positives based on the context of the location and occupancy history. The sensor communicates wirelessly via LoRa WAN. Officebooking IOT Network services provide real time, bi-directional processing of sensor data.
ESCA Omni sensors use infrared temperature to detect the presence of humans and BLE scanning of their devices.
Occupancy detection and LoRa communication node. Operates as stand alone node. Data contains movement and movement intensity. Status message every 8 hours. The node sends (after first detection) a data message every 5 minutes. Sensitivity threshold, message scheduling, UUID, Major and Minor remote configurable.