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Privacy statement Officebooking

Officebooking collects, manages and processes personal data for measurement and analysis of workplace use and mobility behavior of users. This is done in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations (including the EU General Data Protection Regulation). The data of our users is exclusively used for the Officebooking services we provide to our clients and not made available to third parties.

Please note:
If your company or organization passes on personal data of employees or Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UB), you are obliged to inform your employees or UB about this. You can give this privacy statement to them. Your employees or UB can then see how we handle their personal data.

Use of personal data
If you use our services, you may leave the following personal information:
– Your name (optional).
– Your (company) e-mail address.
– Data you add to your Officebooking profiel e.g. telephone number, profile picture, postal code and place of residence (all optional).
– You can add a standard work office location (optional).
– Personal details that you add when making a reservation (optional).

We offer many options to customize your preferred privacy settings on a company level and under personal settings.

If you use Officebooking through your employer, the address details of this employer are known to us for the purpose of billing for our services.

What do we use your data for?
We use your personal data for the following purposes:
– Providing access to the Officebooking website and apps.
– Using the functionality Officebooking provides such as reserving workplaces (or other resources), finding available workspaces (or other resources) and searching for colleagues or fellow users.
– Optimizing the user experience of the Officebooking website and apps.

How do we secure your data?
We take appropriate security measures to limit misuse of and unauthorized access to your personal data. This way we ensure that only the necessary persons have access to your data, that access to the data is protected and that our security measures are regularly checked.

How long do we keep data?
Officebooking acts in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and does not store your personal data any longer than necessary. We only retain data as long as you continue to subscribe to our services.

Statistical data on the general use of work spaces or other assets collected for research objectives, will be stored in an anonymous form for an extended period. This information can never be traced back to a person.

Where do we store data?
We store the personal data processed by our Officebooking platform, in a secured and certified data center in the Netherlands.

How can you check data?
As an Officebooking user you can view all your data directly via your own personal page on our website. You can correct or delete most personal data there yourself.

If you need assistance or have questions about the storage of your personal data, you can contact our Officebooking Service Desk. The contact details of the Service Desk are listed on our website, and are also included under ‘Questions and contact’ below.

We use cookies when offering services. A cookie is a small text file which, when visiting the website, is placed on the hard drive of your computer. A cookie contains data so that you can be recognized as a visitor every time you visit the website. It is then possible to set up the website specifically for you and / or to facilitate logging in.

You can always deactivate cookies in your browser without this having major consequences for the use of our website. The result, however, may be that certain parts are less or no longer accessible to you.

We use cookies for web analytics services (such as Google Analytics) on our public website (www.officebooking.net). Through these cookies we gather general information regarding the use of our website and metrics such as visitor numbers, popular pages and support topics. In this information allows us to tailor the information we provide better to the needs of our website visitors.
In addition, we use functional cookies in the (web) applications to keep track of session and log-in information.

Location data
When using the mobile apps, we ask you if we can use your location data. We use this data, for example, to display the range of available locations or work spaces in your area. We do not store this data. If you use our indoor location services, this data will be used in combination with data for indoor location determination. In that case too, we do not store individual geodata.

Sensor data
If your building has Officebooking sensors installed, logging of actual work spaces use is anonymous. You can see using the Officebooking tools that a particular space is occupied, but not the identity of the user.

Checking in
The Officebooking app offers an option to ‘check in’ on a work place. This can be done, for example, by scanning a QR code or via an iBeacon. At check-in we record the workplace you use and the duration of your use. You also have the option to let other Officebooking users know where you are. In the user manual and help function we explain the use of the app and the settings in more detail.

Questions and contact

If you have any questions you can contact the Service Desk by calling +31 85 4014970 during business hours (08.00 – 17.00). Outside office hours you can send an e-mail to support@officebooking.net. You can also ask your question via the contact form on our website: www.officebooking.com/en/contact/

The Officebooking Privacy Statement was last modified on August 3rd , 2018.

For more information, see also: https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/en.