Installation Self-service kiosk

Offer your visitors and employees more convenience. When you enter the building, simply search for a free desk, meeting room or colleague. The Self-service kiosk provides a complete overview of the free desks and rooms in the building. Recognizable floor plans offer the optimal experience. Have you already booked a desk or room in advance, the Self-service kiosk makes it possible to check-in on the reservation right when you enter the building.

The Officebooking Self-service kiosk can easily be installed on Android-based screens or screens with a kiosk setting, which make it possible to make settings invisible for the end user, for example. 


Step 1: Access to the OfficeAdmin

This guide assumes someone in your organization (or Officebooking Support) has already created an Admin account for you. This account will give you access to the OfficeAdmin portal.


Step 2: Create a Location manager account to log in

Before you can log in to the Self-service kiosk app, you need a Location manager user account to log in with. Creating a user is done in the OfficeAdmin portal. It’s also possible that this account has already been created for you by an Officebooking support employee. In this case you will receive the login details from them and you can skip this step. 

Within the OfficeAdmin environment you can manage the users under the heading ‘Users’ in the menu on the left. You can create a Location manager user account by clicking the ‘Add user’ button. Below we explain the mandatory fields in more detail:

  • Role: when creating a device, the role must be set to ‘Location manager’. If the user is not a Location manager, the account can’t be used to log in on a Self-service kiosk display.
  • Location: choose the location that you want to display on the Self-service kiosk.
  • First and last name: the first and last name of the user can be used to find the user in the user overview. These names won’t be visible on the display.
  • Authorized: select ‘Authorized’. Only authorized users can log in.
  • User name: choose a user name for your Self-service kiosk user account. You will need this to log in to the Self-service kiosk app.
  • Email: the email address is used to retrieve forgotten passwords. This field is required but not often used.
  • Password: the password is used to log into the Self-service kiosk app along with the user name.

Select ‘Save user’ to save the Location manager user. You can now use this account to log in on the Self-service kiosk app.


Step 3: Open the Self-service kiosk app and log in

  1. To start the Self-service kiosk app, open the following url on your display:
  2. Now log in with the Location manager account, using the user name and password that you’ve created in the previous step.
  3. After logging in to the Self-service kiosk app you get different options to choose from. Choose the second option called ‘Wayfinding’.


Step 4: Navigating through the Self-service kiosk app

Now your own location will be visible on the screen. The Self-service kiosk shows you a live view of the occupancy in your building. Navigate through the different floors by selecting the levels on the right side of the screen.

  • Places: the ‘Places’ tab shows all categories and assets on the floor you’ve selected. Select the category you’re looking for and select a desk/meeting room to find its details and create a reservation right away. The red and green dots show you which desk/room is available and which is not.

To create a reservation, select the desk/meeting room and select ‘Add reservation’. Enter the start and end time and fill in your email and select ‘Send’ to finish the reservation. After this you will receive a confirmation email.

  • People: the ‘People’ tab shows you the colleagues that are currently at the office. A user will be visible in this list once they checked in to their reservation. Select the user’s name and the Self-service kiosk will show you their location at the office.
  • Reservations: the ‘Reservations’ tab show you all upcoming reservations in chronological order. It also shows if the user has already checked in on their reservation or not. Green stands for checked-in, red stands for not checked-in.

To check in on your reservation, select the arrow next to your reservation. Then select the grey ‘Check in’ button. Once you’re checked in the button will change to ‘Check out’ and your reservation in the list will turn green. This way the next person who enters the building will know that you’ve already arrived.

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