Improved Workspace view

We’ve made some key enhancements to the Workspace view for administrators, making it easier to stay up to date with the status of your assets. Previously, the data in the workspace view could become outdated over time, but now we’ve introduced a ‘Refresh’ button, allowing you to update the status of your assets instantly with a simple click.

Additionally, we’ve significantly improved the loading speed of the Workspace view, ensuring a smoother experience when browsing through various locations and checking the real-time status of your workspaces.

Why Do We Show a ‘Last Updated’ Timestamp?

To avoid confusion, we now display a ‘Last updated at’ timestamp. Since the asset status doesn’t refresh automatically, this provides a visual cue to indicate when the last update occurred. If the status of an asset (e.g., changing to ‘occupied’) changes while the page is open, the timestamp will remind you that the information may need to be refreshed.

When switching to a new workspace the view is automatically updated.

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