Installation Interactive Room Signage

Officebooking Signager app

The Officebooking Signager app is a native Android container app that communicates with the Officebooking platform and sets the LED lights of the device. The app forces to be on the foreground and checks connectivity. In the event the app is pushed to the background by Android the app will revolve in the foreground operations of Android.


1 Installing the Signager app using an USB stick

  1. Download the compressed folder with the .apk file.
  2. Extract the .apk file from the compressed folder.
  3. Save the .apk file to your local disk and copy it to a USB stick.
  4. Insert the USB Stick in the USB slot at the bottom of the room panel.
  5. Power the room panel on using an adapter or via PoE+ (Power over Ethernet Plus). The room panel will automatically start.
  6. Ensure the room panel has access, either via Wi-Fi or an Ethernet cable.
  7. Wait a few seconds until the home screen appears. Open the ‘Explore’ app on the home screen.
  8. Select the USB and click on the .apk file.
  9. Follow the installation instructions.

2 Finalizing the installation of the ProDVX display: display settings

These settings are mandatory for optimal functionality of the app. These settings have to be done, before continuing to step 3 and 4.

Schedule the daily reboot

  1. To finish the installation return to the home screen of the device to activate a daily reboot of the display to avoid issues.
  2. Select ‘Schedule settings’.
  3. Select the second option ‘Reboot’ and select ‘Repeat’. Then select each day of the week, to daily repeat the reboot.
  4. Select ‘Ok’, then select ‘Done’.

Disable autocorrect and spellchecker

  1. Return to the home screen disable autocorrect and Spell checker.
  2. Select ‘Settings’, then select ‘System’.
  3. Select ‘Language & input’.
  4. Select ‘Virtual keyboard’, then select ‘Android keyboard AOSP’.
  5. Select ‘Text correction’ and turn all options off by switching the toggle.
  6. Go back to ‘Language & input’ to disable Spell checker.
  7. Select ‘Advanced’, then select ‘Spell checker’ and turn it off by switching the toggle.

Display brightness, disable auto-rotate and hide status bar

  1. Go back to ‘Settings’.
  2. Select ‘Display’.
  3. Turn on full brightness (100%).
  4. Turn off auto-rotate on the same screen by switching the toggle.
  5. Now select ‘Advanced’ to hide the status bar by switching the toggle.

Return to home screen to open Officebooking app

  1. Select the round button in the middle of the top of the display.
  2. This will bring you to the home screen where you’re able to open the Officebooking app.

In the event you’ve reinstalled the app or updated firmware, the app might request you to login. The login credentials for the signage app are the device user login that is linked to the specific room. You’ll find a more detailed instruction on the creation of device users on the next page of this document.


3 Creating a device user for the Officebooking Signager

Before you can log in to the app, you need a device account to log in with. Creating a user is done in the OfficeAdmin portal. It’s also possible that this account has already been created for you by an Officebooking support employee. In this case you will receive the login details from them and you can skip this step. 

Within the OfficeAdmin environment you can manage the users under the heading ‘Users’ in the menu on the left. You can create a Device user account by clicking the ‘Add user’ button. Below we explain the mandatory fields in more detail:

  • Role: when creating a device, the role must be set to ‘Device’. If the user is not a device, the account can’t be used to log in on a display screen.
  • First and last name: the first and last name of the user can be used to find the user in the user overview. These names won’t be visible on the display. The display will show the name of the room asset.
  • Authorized: select ‘Authorized’. Only authorized users can login.
  • User name: note: when entering the user name, the asset (meeting room) whose content is to be displayed, must be taken into account. The user name must match the tag code of the asset! If this isn’t entered correctly, the device can’t connect with the asset and can’t show the correct room details.
    Example for user name and asset tag code: OFB-001
  • Email: the email address is used to retrieve forgotten passwords. This field is required but not often used.
  • Password: the password is used to log into the Signage application along with the user name.

Select ‘Save user’ to save the device user. You can now use this account to log in on the device.


4 Logging in on the display

  1. To log in, open the Signager app that you’ve just installed. The login screen will appear immediately after opening.
  2. Use the login details of the Device account, which you’ve just created or received from an Officebooking employee, for the room where the device is placed.
  3. Enter the user name (this must match the tag code of the room asset) and enter the password.
  4. When the data has been entered correctly, you will be automatically logged in and the occupancy of the room will be displayed.


Changing the room data/image

If necessary, you can change the room data (name, number of seats, the image on the screen) via the OfficeAdmin portal.

  1. Go to ‘Assets’ in the menu and search for the specific room you want to edit.
  2. Select the room by selecting the name of the room in the list.
  3. Select ‘Edit’. Here you have the option to change the room data. After saving, these changes will also be visible on the screen.


Changing the display background image

When successfully logging in the left corner of the display your company logo will be visible. Another way to personalize the display is to change the background image. This can be done via the OfficeAdmin.

  1. Go to ‘Setting’ in the menu.
  2. Select the tab ‘Upload photos’ on the top of the page. Here you have the possibility to change your company logo, if necessary, and upload a background image for the Signage display.
  3. The recommended image size for the background image is 1280 x 800 px.
  4. Upload the image via the third upload button on the page.
  5. Select the button ‘Save photos’ to save your uploaded image.



Experiencing any trouble during/after installing the Signager app?

Find more information in our Troubleshooting article.

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