How do I add a new user?

Add new user

  1. Navigate to ‘Users’ in the menu.
  2. Click the ‘+ Add user’ button. Read below what the different fields mean and then fill in the data. The fields with an asterisk are required.
  • Role*: Select the appropriate user role for the new user. Read here what you can do with the Location Manager role or the Admin role.
  • First name*: enter the first name.
  • Middle name: enter a middle name.
  • Last name*: enter the last name.
  • Zip code: enter the zip code. Entering the postal code only applies when checking in at a home location. If you do not use this, you can leave this field empty. The postal code is not displayed in the app.
  • City: enter the place of residence. Entering the place of residence only applies when checking in at a home location. If you do not use this, you can leave this field empty. The place of residence is not displayed in the app.
  • Authorized*: This feature is enabled automatically when a new user is created.
  • Username*: Choose a username for the new user. In most cases, this is the same as the email address.
  • E-mail*: enter the e-mail address. Note: Only use lowercase letters.
  • Phone: enter the phone number. This feature is optional and often skipped. This is not displayed in the app.
  • Language*: choose the language of communication for the user. The user can also change this language later in the web app. The language of the mobile app depends on the language setting of the phone.
  • Label: give your user a label, for example, emergency responder or first aider. This label is visible in the mobile app and web app under the Who’s at Work heading. With this label, it is quickly visible which ERO is currently on location.
  • Location: The location is the location where the mobile app opens first after logging in. In the web app, you will find this location under the screen ‘My location’. You can see it as a shortcut to your own work/study location.
  • External uid: this field may be left blank.
  • Password*: when you create an account for another user as Admin, you can enter a completely random (strong) password in this field. The password must consist of at least 8 characters with a capital letter, special character and number. After creating the account, the user will receive an activation email, in which he can change the password to his own strong password.
  • Loyalty programme: N/A

Activating new user

After creating the new user, you send them an activation email to activate the account. You do this by selecting the user in the overview and selecting the ‘Account created’ button. The system sends an automatic email to the user’s email address.

Advanced options

After creating and saving a new user, you have the option to change the user data again. You will see that there are now (after creating an account) a number of extra fields:

  • Visible to other users: by checking this box you set that the user is visible in the app, with name and (optional) photo. The user can also turn this off in the mobile or web app.
  • Default view: set whether you want to see the map view or list view first in the app by default. ‘Location detail’ is the list view, ‘Map view’ is the map view.
  • User groups: here you have an overview of all user groups that this user belongs to. Click on the empty space under the ‘Everyone’ box within the box to get a list of all existing user groups in your environment. Select one of the groups to give the user access to this group.

Single Sign On

Note: when you use Single Sign On it is not necessary to add all users to the system. When a user logs in with SSO, his/her account is automatically created in the Officebooking system. However, if you want to add a user to a user group in advance or add a label to this user, it is necessary to add the user manually in OfficeAdmin. You do not have to send the user an activation email after creating the user. As soon as the user logs in with SSO, the personal data is matched with the existing account.

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