How do I edit multiple desks/rooms at once? (bulk edit)

The desire to want to edit multiple desks/rooms at the once is increasing. Therefore, to make this possible we have introduced the ‘Bulk edit’ button.

  1. Navigate to ‘Assets’ in the menu.
  2. Make a specific selection with the filters for desks/rooms where you want to edit a selection of data.
  3. Select the box at the top left of the ‘Occupancy’ colomn after you’ve made your selection of filters. This allows you to choose the first 20 desks/rooms from your list. To pick the following desks/rooms, go to the next desks/rooms page and select the box at the top of the first category once more.
  4. After all desks/rooms that you want to edit have been selected, select the ‘Bulk edit’ button. Now a pop-up will appear with the different fields that you can edit in bulk. At the top of the pop-up is the number of selected desks/rooms.
  5. For example, if you want to edit the stage of all your selected desks/rooms, for example from ‘Active’ to ‘Blocked’, then select the ‘Select stage’ field. Now a window with the different options will open.
  6. Select the stage you want to change the selection to.
  7. Then select the ‘Next’ button and then the ‘Update’ button.
  8. Now all selected desks/rooms have been updated.

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