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Setting up desks/rooms
Everything you want to know about managing your desks and rooms.
What is an asset (desk/room)?
An asset can be any available and bookable object. The most common asset is a desk or (meeting) room, but...
What is a zone?
Zone reservation makes it possible to make a specific group of workstations or assets in a zone available and to...
How do I edit a desk/room/zone?
Navigate to ‘Assets’ in the menu. Select the name of the desk/room/zone you want to edit. Select the name and...
How do I change the availability (stage) of a desk/room/zone?
Navigate to ‘Assets’ in the menu. Select the name of the desk/room you want to edit. Select the desk/room name...
How to Configure Combined Assets
Officebooking not only facilitates single room reservations but also offers the option to link multiple meeting rooms or assets. This...