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Setting up locations
Everything you want to know about adding and editing your locations.
How do I add a location?
Navigate to ‘Locations’ in the menu. Select ‘+ Add’ to add a new location. Read below what the different fields...
How do I edit a location?
Navigate to ‘Locations’ in the menu. Select the name of the location you want to change. Select ‘Edit’. Edit the...
How do I configure a location’s time zone?
Navigate to ‘Locations’ in the menu. Select the name of the location whose time zone you want to change. Select...
How do I configure a maximum capacity for a location?
Set the maximum location capacity. For example, if you opt for a maximum capacity of 30 people, the app will...
How do I configure the opening hours of a location?
Standard opening hours You have the option to add opening hours per location. These opening times are displayed in the...
How do I restrict reservations only within opening hours?
Activate restriction If you want reservations to be created only within opening hours, it is possible to configure this. Users...