How do I create a reservation for an employee?

In case a user can’t make a new reservation with the mobile app or web app, the Admin can do this for the user via OfficeAdmin.


Reservation planner

  1. Navigate to ‘Reservations’ in the left menu.
  2. In the planner, you create a new reservation by dragging a time slot to the desired desk/room. When dragging, a grey block appears on the time slot of the reservation.
  3. A pop-up will then open where you can enter the reservation details.
  4. Select the user for whom you want to create the reservation. A confirmation email with the reservation details will be sent to that user.
  5. Entering further data. This works the same as in the web app.
  6. Select ‘Save’ and your reservation is created.


List view

It is also possible to make a reservation in the list view of the ‘Reservations’ screen via the ‘+ New Reservation’ button. Follow the same steps in the reservation pop-up. After saving, the reservation appears in the list.

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