Managing reservations

Managing reservations

Support your colleagues with creating or editing a reservation.

How do I view all reservations?

Reservation planner Navigate to ‘Reservations’ in the left menu. In this screen the reservation planner is displayed with all reservations...

How do I create a reservation for an employee?

In case a user can’t make a new reservation with the mobile app or web app, the Admin can do...

How do I create a recurring reservation for an employee?

Making a recurring reservation is currently possible from the web app for all users and from the OfficeAdmin for Location...

How do I create multiple reservations at the same time? (Multi mode)

How do I edit a reservation for an employee?

Reservation planner Navigate to ‘Reservations’ in the left menu. Select the red reservation box with the title of the reservation...

How do I cancel a reservation for an employee?

Reservation planner Navigate to ‘Reservations’ in the left menu. In the planner you can cancel a reservation immediately by right-clicking...

How do I make a report of all reservations?

Navigate to ‘Reservations’ in the left menu. Go to the planner or list view. Select the ‘Export to excel’ button...

How do I create a VIP Meeting for an employee?

What is a VIP meeting?

How do I recognize a VIP meeting?

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